17 MARCH, 1945
The primary target was Moblis, the Thermal Electric Plant the aiming poitft. The plant supplied power to industries at Leipzig and Chemnitz, the target of opportunity. The Group comprised the 94th B Combat Wing with Major Maguire as Air Commander. Group formation and Wing assembly were without incident.
The Group was on time, on course, and in second position in Division formation. Division assembly line was flown as briefed.

Route to the IP in trail of the Division leader was flown approximately as briefed. Deviations were necessaiy in order to remain in Division formation. As the Group approached the IP, the PFF equipment on the lead aircraft became inoperative and it was necessary to turn the lead over to the deputy.
The Group went to the briefed altitude plus 800 feet, in order to avoid clouds and contrails. Cloud coverage in the target area varied from eight to ten tenths. Bombing was done in Group formation by means of PFF equipment. Some difficulty was encountered when an unidentified group crossed in front of the formation on the bomb run.
The run was made on the target of opportunity, Altenburg. Bombs were dropped from 27,700 feet. Strike photos of bomb results only showed clouds.
Eleven aircraft landed in France and the remainder returned to base. Flak was light and none of the planes sustained damage.