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23 MARCH, 1945

The target was the marshalling yards at Recklinghausen. Even though these yards were last attacked by the RAF on the night of 20 March, photographs indicated all facilities were 100 Percent serviceable. The Group comprised the 94th B Combat Wing with Lt. Colonel Smith as Air Commander.

Course over England was flown as briefed until the 94th A Group swung right of course. The 457th Group followed in trail, but on course Division assembly line was flown slightly right of course and in the Division column.

Route to the IP was flown as briefed. The IP was crossed on course. Cloud coverage at the target was nil. Bombing was done visually in squadron formation. A slight ground haze and smoke caused interference in sighting. Bombs were dropped from 25,000 feet. Bomb results as shown by strike photos were excellent.

Flak was moderate, but accurate, with 25 craft sustaining damage.

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