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1 APRIL 1945 TO 30 APRIL 1945

The huge briefing map that hung from ceiling to floor on the wall of the briefing room told the story. The ground troops had crossed the Rhine River and were marching eastward. Daily the progress of the ground troops could be seen as the front line was marked closer and closer to the advancing Russian troops on the east marching westword.
The Allies had demanded the unconditional surrender of the enemy forces prior to any truce. There had been no surrender The war continued The 457th would continue in action.

2 APRIL 1945

The target was a jet airfield at Odense, located just north of the Kiel Bay. Denmark was an ally, and strict orders were to bomb only if conditions were CAVU. The target was overcast and the operation was abandoned. No flak, no fighters, no bombs dropped, no mission. It turned into a long practice mission.

4 APRIL 1945

The target was an airfield at Rotenburg. The Group comprised the 94th C Combat Wing with Captain Rollins as Air Commander

The Group assembled in Wing formation without incident and followed in formation to Assembly line. Division assembly line was flown approximately as briefed.

The course to the IP was uneventful and was flown approximately as briefed. The Scouting Force recommended that a run be attempted on Fassburg at 15,000 feet instead of 12,000 feet, because the primary target was covered by ten tenths clouds.

The Wing Leader recommended that the Group go halfway down the bomb run toward the primary target and then turn to Fassburg, as a target of opportunity. Shortly thereafter, the 457th turned right and made a 360 degree turn, intending to use Ulzen as an IP. The formation passed south of Ulzen and made a run on Fassburg, but could not pick up the target visually. A 360 degree turn was then made to the left, in order to make a second run. The target was seen for a short interval, but was covered before a sighting could be made. No bombs were dropped.

Flak was light and no plane sustained damage.

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