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7 APRIL, 1945

The marshalling yards at Reinsehlen were the primary targets, with Luneburg the secondary and Ulzen the target of last resort. The Group comprised the 94th A Combat Wing with Col. Rogner as Air Commander. The Group led the 1st Division. Wing assembly was without incident. Division assembly line was flown slightly left of course because of a wind change, but the Group was in proper position in Division formation.

Route over the Continent was uneventful and was flown approximately as briefed. The formation was about fifteen minutes late because winds were other than briefed.

The Group made a bomb run on the primary target, with squadrons in trail, but cloud coverage prevented visual sighting, and bombs were not released. The Group then turned right and passed over the areas of the secondary target and target of last resort.

After having passed over these targets, the Group executed a 180 degree turn and went over the target of last resort, preparatory to making a run on the secondary target. As squadrons passed over the target of last resort, the low squadron was able to pickup the target and attack it visually. No difficulty was encountered.

The lead and high squadrons continued on to the secondary target. Cloud coverage was about four tenths and both squadrons were compelled to perform a combination PFFL Visual sighting. Bombs were dropped from 15,000 feet. Antiaircraft fire was light and no craft sustained damage.

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