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9 APRIL, 1945

The airfield at Furstenfeldbruck was the primary target. The Group comprised the 94th C Combat Wing with Major Spencer as Air Commander. The Group assembled in wing formation without incident. Route over England was flown in trail of the Wing leader.

The Group was in proper position in Wing formation, but deviated to the left of course along the Division assembly route, following the preceding groups.

Over the Continent, the Group came back on course, following the Division leader, and flew the remainder of the course to the IP approximately as briefed, except that the Division bomber stream executed a double-drift to the left. Visual conditions existed at the target, and the Group was split into squadrons to attack the target visually and individually. Visibility at the target was excellent. The IP was crossed on course by all squadrons. The MP1 was identified at the IF Bombs were dropped from 23,900 feet. Bomb results were good with several direct hits being scored on the target.

Antiaircraft fire was light and no craft sustained damage. It was reported the guns were being fired from Munich, which obviously was expecting more attacks.

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