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11 APRIL, 1945

The oil refineries at Freiham were the primary targets. The Group comprised the 94th B Combat Wing, with Capt. Gibbons as Air Commander. The Group assembled without incident, and joined up in Wing formation, but remained at 21,000 feet altitude in order to form behind the 94th A Group.

The 457th assembled behind the 351st Group and followed along the Division assembly line. No difficulties were encountered. Course to the vicinity of the IP was flown approximately as briefed. The last turn before the IP was cut ofF, following the Wing Leader.

Squadrons took intervals without difficulty and prepared for a visual bomb run. The 35 1st swung south of the IP and the 457th started to follow, but Lead decided to turn to the left toward the briefed run. As a result, the squadrons crossed the IP about three miles south of course.

The Group attacked the primary target visually. The MPI was obscured by smoke and was not, identified by squadrons until about 30 or 40 seconds before bombs away. Some difficulty was caused by the 35 1st Bomb Group coming in to the target at the same altitude from the right.

The lead squadron bombed immediately behind the 351st high squadron. Bombs were dropped from 26,500 feet, with good results.

Flak was moderate, but inaccurate and only one craft sustained damage.

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