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16 APRIL, 1945

A bridge at Regensburg was the primary target. The 457th comprised the 94th A Combat Wing, with Lt. Col. Watson as Air Commander. Assembly was without incident.

During the route over England, the Group was forced off to the right of course by the 40th Combat Wing, which was flying a parallel course to the left. The 457th arrived at the first Control Point three minutes late. Combat Wing assembly was not accomplished over England because the 351St and 401st were ahead of the 457th.

Division assembly route was flown on course and 4,000 feet above briefed altitude. The Group was not in proper position because of the time lost over England. The Group succeeded in gaining time along the line because winds were not as briefed and arrival at the Continental coast was three minutes early. Over the Continent, the Group assumed its proper position in Division formation. The remainder of the course to the IP was flown approximately as briefed except for slight deviations in course in order to remain in Division column.


The primary target was attacked visually in squadron formation. The MPI was identified without difficulty, and bombs were dropped from 24,000 feet. Observed results were all excellent.
No enemy opposition was encountered, although Me- 262s were reported in the area. The P-S Is kept them away.

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