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17 APRIL, 1945

A bridge at Dresden was the primary target. The 457th comprised the 94th C Combat Wing with Major Spencer as Air Commander.

The Group assembled in proper position behind the 94th B Group. Division assembly line was flown approximately on course except for slight deviations, following the Division column. The formation arrived at the Continental coast about eight minutes early because of winds.

The course to the vicinity of the IP was uneventful and was flown approximately as briefed except below briefed altitude in order to remain in formation. The Group prepared for a visual run on the target.
The IP was not crossed on course because of interference from dense, persistent contrails and thick ground haze. The run Started as a PFF run, but about two minutes before the BRL, the lead bombardier succeeded in picking up the MPI at intervals before the BRL. Bombing by the lead squadron was a combination PFF/Visual assist.

The high squadron made three runs. Haze, smoke and Contrails interfered on the first and second runs. On the third run, the squadron made a PFFIVisual assist run and released bombs successfully.
The weather at the target became increasingly difficult. Cloud coverage had increased from nil on the first run to approximately three to four tenths. The low squadron began a third run, but the PFF equipment became inoperative and no sighting of any kind could be performed, so they returned to the Base with their bombs.

Antiaircraft fire was moderate but accurate, and four planes were damaged.
