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20 APRIL, 1945

The marshalling yards at Seddin, south of Berlin, were the primary target. The Group comprised the 94th C Combat Wing. Lt. Col. Smith was Air Commander.

During assembly, the 41St Combat Wing flew through the assembly area, making it necessary for the 457th to deviate to the left of course in order to avoid a collision. Consequently, the route over England was flown north of course until the Group could intercept the Wing on the last leg before the first Control Point. The 457th assembled in Wing formation and flew the remainder of the route over England in Wing formation.

The Group was in proper position in Wing and Division formation. Division assembly line was flown as briefed, except that the formation was losing time because winds were not as briefed.

Course from the Continental coast until the point of turn off of the 94th A and B Wings, was flown in Division formation and on course. As the groups ahead turned off for other targets, the 457th assumed the lead of the task force and continued on to the vicinity of the IP as briefed. The formation swung slightly right of course just prior to the IP in order to gain proper interval between squadrons.

A run was made on the primary target in squadron formation. The lead and high squadrons made a complete visual run, but the low squadron began a G-H run, which became visual after it had proceeded about one-quarter of the way down the bomb run. The MPI was identified by all squadrons at least six minutes before the BRL. No difficulties were encountered, and the bombs were dropped from 20,000 feet. Bombing results were observed to be excellent for all squadrons.

No antiaircraft fire was encountered and none of the planes sustained damage.

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