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19 APRIL, 1944

Duration of mission 6 hours and 30 minutes

The target was the Air Park and Airdrome at Eschwege, twenty-six miles east-southeast of Kassel. This was an important center for equipping field-workshop units which went into action on the front lines. The 457th flew with the 40th Combat wing rather than the 94th and were escorted by P47, P38 and P51 fighters. Major Rod Francis was Air Commander of the Group, which flew the low box, and Lt. Edward R. Bender was pilot.

The primary target was not bombed because of smoke and haze over the target area. Secondary targets and targets of last resort were bombed, with varied bombing results. The 457th bombed an air field at Kassel. Eleven craft sustained battle damage.

The 457th furnished four aircraft for Air-Sea Rescue. This assignment was completed without incident.

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