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19 MAY, 1944

Target Berlin, Germany 457th Bomb Group Association

The Group sent thirty-six planes comprising the lead and low boxes of the 94th A Combat Wing to Berlin. Targets were government buildings near the center of the city where other targets had previously been bombed.

Lt. Col. Raymond L. Cobb flew as Air Commander of the lead box in a PFF ship. Major George C. Hozier led the low box with Captain Jerry Godfrey as pilot, and Major Theodore C. Hoffman led the high box with Lt. Malcolm E. Johnson as pilot. En route to the target, Me-109s and FW-190s were observed away from the formation. The 109s and 190s peeled off and attacked the low squadron of the lead Group. As a result of the attack, the plane piloted by Lt. Phillip H. Birong was hit and left the formation with two engines on fire. The craft went into a spiral and all the crewmen, except one, successfully bailed out and became POWs.

There was seven-tenths cloud cover over the target area, so bombing was by PFF. Bombing results were fair. Flak was moderate but accurate, damaging seven planes. Fighter Protection was good except for the interval prior to the bomb run Overall, the Eighth lost twenty-eight aircraft.

The first crew in the Group to do so, Lt. Robert D. Lane, Pilot, completed its tour with this mission, and celebrated by the traditional buzzing of the field and shooting of flares.
The Daily Bulletin called the attention of personnel to military discipline, personal appearance, and other elementary things that should have been learned in basic training. Also, a simulated briefing of combat crews was given for the benefit of all ground personnel.

The crew of Lt Phillip H. Birong was lost on this date.

Duration of mission 9 hours
Formed over splasher 4 4000ft above briefed altitude. Left English coast 20 minutes late but entered Germany near Denmark on time. At I.P 70 fighters attacked group. After target three planes in wing went down. FLAK at Flensburg.

2nd Lt. John O. Millham, navigator 749th BS:
Berlin 09.00 – 18.00
Ship Y – 067
Formed over Splasher 4, 4000 ft above briefed alt. Left English coast twenty minutes late but entered Germany near Denmark on time. At I.P. we met about seventy fighters. Forgot all about them because they looked like P-51 escorts. Before we knew what was happening they 109’s were attacking us. Saw twenty millimeter hit plane that went down. After target three planes in wing before us went down burning from FLAK or something. Stohl asked me for heading to Sweden because gas was low. Decided to try to make England. Tail gunner awol Billington took his place. Got some FLAK from Flensburg. After getting a hundred miles out on North Sea we asked for permission to leave formation because of low gas. Later Wing leader complained because we left so fast and seemingly with all the gas in the world. Had fun buzzing water and shooting at waves. Before we left English coast starting out we lost a part of oxygen supply. Two men on crew had to lay down and take life easy so as not to use much oxygen. Ball turret, right waist when we landed gas tanks were punctured and plane laid up for a few days. Flux Gate Compass went out.

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