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7 JUNE, 1944

On the morning of the second day of the invasion, the 457th was dispatched to attack and destroy the highway intersection in the town of Falaise, southeast of Caen, thus hoping to disrupt transportation facilities in the area of the invasion. The Group provided the low 18-ship box for the 94th Combat Wing. Major William F. Smith was Air Commander and Captain J. L. Smith was pilot.

“The Eighth Air force is currently charged with a most solemn obligation in support of the most vital operation ever undertaken by our Armed Forces. It will be necessary during certain stages to attack with tremendous intensity the area immediately in front of our advancing troops. No other agency except the Eighth Air Force can undertake this task…. It must be recognized that bombardment accuracy has never faced a more severe test…. Every aid to accuracy must be exploited so that the pattern of our attack is exactly as ordered….”

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