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10 JUNE, 1944

After a lapse of one day, the invasion aerial offensive was renewed with the 457th providing the high box of the 94th Combat Wing assigned to bomb the Gael Airfield, located on the Brest Peninsula. Its location made it suitable for use by front line German Luftwaffe planes. The 1st Division dispatched only four Combat Wings. Major Theodore C. Hoffman was Air Commander and Lt. George C. MacDonald was pilot.
The target was covered by a seven-tenths undercast and bombing was by instruments. The bomb results were not good There was no enemy fighter opposition and only meager flak.

(Compilers Note: Practically all missions to the invasion area called for early morning takeoffs. During the summer months in this part of France, cumulus clouds build up in the day, preventing visual bombing except in the early morning hours. Even then it proved to be very difficult.)

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