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At the end of 2018 we started looking at the website. The platform was kind of old and with the future plans we had we needed a platform that could meet our plans.

Because I live in the Netherlands I contacted an old colleque of mine and asked him if he could help. He said yes and because he loves what we do he told us straight from the start that he would help us for free.

We looked at other websites, wishes and future wishes and he, Sjaak Glasbergen, started building. Beginning of 2019 the layout was ready and now I had to copy ALL the information on the old website onto the new website. This process has taken almost a complete year to complete although there is still some work to do.

What work needed to be done:

  • I downsized all the photos. That way we can safe a lot of server space and still have great photo and image results
  • I needed to add as much information to photos and images as I could (still needs more work)
  • I searched for more officers and enlisted men’s photos
  • Added more MACR’s (Missing Air Crew Reports)
  • Added more Accident Reports (takes about 6 months to receive them so more will be added in the future)
  • Added E&E reports
  • Copied the message board from the Reese website and had a lot of work making it searchable and nice
  • Added a lot of film material about the USAAF
  • Added the Zemper film
  • Made a YouTube channel that is secure and uploaded all the film material
  • Uploaded big files to Drop Box and then made them downloadable through the wesbite
  • Added a messageboard. Please use it because we still have a lot of people that do not use Facebook
  • As soon as we have a PayPal account it will be possible to pay by creditcard of card using PayPal
  • Added PayPal instructions (it is also still possible to pay the ‘old fashioned way’)
  • Added digital forms for new memberships or changing membership information
  • We will add an online store soon
  • and there is much more that will be added a long the way

I think we can be proud of what has been build but I see this as a beginning. More information will be added including written information, loading lists and a lot more.

Please let me know what you think of the new website or what is still missing on the website or what is not clear or could be improved.
