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Chaplin, Victor F. Halboth Grace Lutheran Church Detroit, which was read by Ken Kinyon, Io. Dan Graham, Ind, played piano background music as the names of former 457th were read  and a present member placed a small American flag in a field of green around a larger centered American Flag. Over 46 names were added to the Memorial Scroll kept reunion to reunion. Anyone knowing of a deceased man, send to Homer Briggs to add on scroll.

Bentonville Lawyer Ernie Lawrence, former mayor welcomed the group to Bentonville, he also welcomed us in 1971. Mickey Briggs read poem “High Flight” and Dan Graham played piano background music.

Homer & Mickey presented several decoupage plaque of the “High Flight” made by Mickey to : George Townsend, England caretaker of “The Stone American”, Ernie Lawrence, Bentonville, speaker at 1971, 1976 banquets, also helped bet City council to give permission to space at Airport for display of B 17 if obtained, Herchel Teague, NC Homer Briggs, Ark Ken Rurode, MO, orginal planners of Reunions, Dan Graham, Ind for work on memorial plaque attached to the Stone American, Stanley Brown, Washington and Sumner Marshall, Maine, most miles traveled, Col Dick Fitz-hugh, Tex, highest ranking in attendance, Roy James, Tenn oldest member attending, Ralph Thole, Minn youngest member attending. Copies of “High Flight” poem were given to everyone at the banquet.

The 4 Peterborough 457th Historians in England have also recieved a plaque, which they display with SOKE Military Collector every Oct. 1975. Pres. H. Larson, Ks recieved one, Tom Goff, My, for most names and addresses found 1973-76. Betty Grant got a special plaque as a thank you from Briggs, she helped the printing of newsletters, and the reunion planning.

The dance band played 40’s tunes. Our Airforce films came the day after reunion. Sorry they were good ones.

The last to leave were on Thursday, spent breakfast & lunch with each other, some viewed Homer’s England film. George & Ena Townsend spent 3 weeks with the Briggs, toured Ark, Mo & Okla.