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Lt. Russel A. Nowling Crew
749th Bomb Squadron
Photo taken on April 19th 1945, lead crew on the mission to Falkenberg, Germany
Lt. Russel A. Nowling (P), Capt. William L. Gibbons (C-P), Capt. Marsh Hovey (N), Lt. John C. McCullough (B), Lt. Duane Hanson (T-T), Lt. Dale F. Baldwin (R-O), Sgt. Stephen Skulec (B-T), Sgt. John M. Handler (L-W), Sgt. Theodore F. Steele (R-W), Lt. Edwin C. Braun (T-G)
Lt. Charles L. Hilton (B) March 3rd 1944
Sgt. Francis W. McCall (L-W) March 3rd 1944
Sgt. Jpseph L. Hibbs (A-E) June 21st 1944
A/C Flown
#785 April 19th 1945